Improve Productivity of Scrum Teams Using Agilebin Power Tools!

Fist of Five, Retrospective, Planning Poker, Maturity Assessment - All in one platform

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Trusted by Users from Well Known Companies

Boost your Scrum Team's Productivity with Easy-to-Use Tools

Agilebin Fist of Five

Agilebin Fist of Five is the online voting tool for agile and scrum teams to build consensus. For remote teams, it is not possible to vote by raising hands. Online Fist of Five makes it easy to conduct voting and also provides the calculated result.

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Agilebin Poker

Scrum teams use a Poker game for story pointing. Agilebin Poker is an online poker tool for story-pointing. Team members can take part in the poker game while working from home or in the office. Storytelling sessions using Agilebin Poker are fun and easy.

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Agilebin Retrospective Board

Scrum Teams use the Agilebin Retrospective Board to conduct online retrospective meetings. This is a simple three-column retro board. Team members add notes to their retro comments. The board shows real-time updates.

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Agile Maturity Assessment

Unlock the full potential of your organization with our Agile Maturity Assessment application. Whether you're just starting your Agile journey or looking to enhance your current practices, our powerful tool provides a comprehensive analysis of your team's Agile maturity, guiding you towards higher efficiency, collaboration, and success.

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Agilebin Action Items Tracking

The Consolidated Action Items Board is a feature within the Action Items Tracking system that allows users to aggregate and manage action items from multiple boards in a centralized location. This feature streamlines communication and collaboration by providing a single dashboard where users can view and track all action items across various projects or departments.

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Agilebin Lean Coffee

Empowering Your Team to Spark Creativity, Share Insights, and Drive Progress. Our intuitive platform fosters dynamic discussions and enables swift decision-making. With Agilebin Lean Coffee, fuel engaging conversations, capture valuable ideas, and propel your team towards success. Embrace the power of Lean Coffee Meetings and elevate your team's performance.

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Agilebin Spinwheel

Refine your decision-making process into an immersive adventure with our interactive spinner! Perfect for virtual events, brainstorming sessions, or team-building activities, our tool injects excitement and spontaneity into every moment. Tailored to your preferences and featuring intuitive controls, it effortlessly infuses fun into any endeavor.

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Your Success Stories

Kyle Burton
Scrum Master

"The Agilebin Fist of Five app is a simple yet powerful tool for facilitating team decision-making. Its easy-to-use interface and anonymous voting feature promote transparency. I highly recommend this app to streamline the decision-making process."

Steve Peterson
Agile Coach

"As an agile coach, I am always on the lookout for tools that can help my scrum teams work more efficiently and effectively. I recently had the pleasure of using the Agilebin suite of tools for scrum teams, and I must say that I am thoroughly impressed."

Get Started. It's Easy

Ready to experience the benefits of Agilebin's suite of tools? Get started for free today and see how our powerful tools can help your team streamline their agile process and improve productivity. Sign up now and create your free account!


Fiviza LLC
6010 W Spring Creek Pkwy Suite 362, Plano, TX 75024

Agilebin is the product of Fiviza LLC.

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